Monday 3 June 2013

It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! for Kimye

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian is having a baby girl, it has been revealed. The gender of Kim and Kanye West's baby was revealed on Sunday night's episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, which showed Kim discovering the news during an sonogram. Dr Paul Crane, the family's doctor, laughed as he found Kim and her sisters Kourtney and Khloe, and their mother Kris Jenner all in the office excitedly waiting together. 'I don't see any pee-pees,' Dr Crane said as he tried to determine the gender, adding: 'I'm thinking it's a girl.' 'Oh my gosh! What's the percentage?' a nervous Kim was heard asking the doctor. After being told that she was 99 per cent having a baby girl, Kim gushed: 'I am so excited to be having a girl, who doesn't want a girl.' Kim then added that it was what her boyfriend Kanye West, who is not in attendance, 'always wanted' noting that he would be thrilled at the revelation of their baby's sex. Kim said: 'I know that's really what Kanye has always wanted. He wanted a little girl.'
Kim also hinted that her unborn child might be musical, as she shopped for baby clothes with Kourtney. 'I feel like my kid is going to need musical things,' said Kim as she suggested all the family babies should start a band. 'What kind of child will I have? A very tutu-y, like, princess?' Kim wondered as she gushed over the baby items. 'I just can't wait to see what she's going to talk like and look like. I am so excited about the joy she is going to bring into our lives,' she said.
Kim Kardashian
Kim K

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