Sunday 2 June 2013

Czech woman gives birth to country's first quintuplets

 Alexandra Kinova, pictured just before giving birth to quintuplets. Image: AP Photo,CTK, Stanislav Zbynek
A 23-year-old woman in the Czech Republic has given birth to quintuplets. It is the first time such an event has happened in the country's history. Alexandra Kinova had four boys and a girl by caesarean section earlier today. The births took place "without any complications", according to doctors at Prague's Institute for the Care of Mother and Child. The mother and babies have been placed in an intensive care unit, but are reported to be in a good condition. The boys' names are said to be Deniel, Michael, Alex and Martin, while the girl has been called Terezka. Ms Kinova originally believed she was pregnant with twins, but in March doctors increased the total to four, before upping the number again to five the following month.
The father of the quintuplets almost missed the historic event, thanks to his train being delayed. But he made it just in time. "I was crying all the way since I feared I would not manage it," he revealed.
more birth pics after the cut...............

The final push: Medical staff examine 23-year-old Alexandra prior to her Caesarian section at the Podoli hospital in Prague, Czech Republic
Anticipation: Ms Kinova is attended by the hospital's surgeons during her Caesarean
Baby joy: Doctors care for one of the newborns after Ms Kinova gave birth to four boys and one girl
Special delivery: The four boys are called Deniel, Michael, Alex and Martin and the girl is called Terezka
Five of a kind: The babies are the first naturally conceived quintuplets to be born in Prague
Tender loving care: The quintuplets and their mother have been placed in an intensive care unit, although all are said to be doing well
Bundle of joy: A nurse cares for one of the newborns. Ms Kinova has been told her children have a 95 per cent chance of growing up healthy

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