Tuesday, 14 May 2013

President Obama Cries During Press Conference On Benghazi

President Obama crying tearsPresident Obama is feeling the strain of the massive White House cover up of the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi. Tears streamed down Obama’s face as he struggled to answer questions about the cover up which could lead to impeachment proceedings against him.
It’s been a rough week for Obama — and today is only Tuesday. Last week, news broke that the IRS intentionally targeted conservative nonprofit groups that had the words “tea party” in their names.
Two separate committees — Oversight and Government Reform, and Ways and Means are probing whether the IRS (under Obama’s orders) intentionally denied applications for nonprofit status to groups that had “tea party” in their names before the 2012 presidential election. The IRS acting director’s resignation is expected on Obama’s desk this week.
Another scandal that rocked the White House came when the Associated Press reported that the White House subpoenaed personal phone records of 50 AP reporters and their sources — an egregious violation of journalistic rights to privacy.
Currently there are five separate committee investigations underway on Capitol Hill — all investigating wrongdoing by the Obama administration. Politico.com reports that “roughly one-third of House committees are engaged in investigating some aspect of the Obama administration.”

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