Friday 20 September 2013

Women reflect with amazing honesty on their harrowing decision to have an abortion - and the cold reactions of the fathers

Photographer Allison Joyce took portraits of five women- Leigh (top left), Jennifer (top right), Aiyana (bottom left), Lisa (bottom right) and another woman named Lisa (not pictured here) who opened up about their decisions to terminate their pregnancies.
Abortion remains one of the most controversial topics in the United States but a new photo essay looks beyond the politics and at the people who know the effects on a personal level.
Photographer Allison Joyce took portraits of five women who opened up about their decisions to terminate their pregnancies, at different times in their lives and with varying support from the men in their lives. The women range in age and live in New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts- three states that are not generally considered the most conservative in the country. Lisa, a 45-year-old from Massachusetts, says she became pregnant and had two abortions when she was in her thirties. 'His immediate response was "Well you can't have it!"' she said. 'It was such a fast and such a visceral response that he had. I asked him why and he said "Well you just have to get an abortion- you can't have this baby and there's no way around it,"' Lisa said. 
 Aiyana, a 22-year-old artist in New York
Aiyana says it was two years ago when  she became pregnant and had an abortion. 
'The clinic I got it done at, they allow men to be in the room. Which most clinics don't allow. So I set the date for when my boyfriend would be back from tour because I wanted him to have to experience it with me, I guess,' she told Reuters. 
'You know because as a male I felt that even though he was undoubtedly affected by it I sort of wanted him to in some part experience the physicality of everything that was happening. 
'I think he was kind of freaked out but he was very supportive of me. I'm glad he was there,' Aiyana said.
Lisa, a 27-year-old restaurant manager in Massachusetts
Lisa says she was 24 when she became pregnant and had an abortion. 
'I told my husband at the time - we weren't divorced yet but I was leaving him, and he was really supportive and (it was) surprising because it was not a great relationship anyway,' she said of the abortion which took place three years ago. 
'I didn't have to think about it. It wasn't like, "will I, won't I." It was like, "this is happening." 
'I think I was kind of fortunate in a really sad way that it wasn't a difficult decision. I was alone. I didn't have any family and I didn't have any friends really. I had one friend but she was not a very good friend. So I kind of went through it all alone,' she said. 
Jennifer, a 23-year-old nurse in New York
Jennifer says she was only 17 when she became pregnant and had an abortion. 
'I was against abortion. I really was - I was against it. My mom has gone through so many troubles with pregnancies that I wouldn't want to do that,' she said.
'But at the same time, at the time I only had one parent there. My father was incarcerated, so I knew he'd be super duper disappointed in me. And then my mom was just like, "You know if you get pregnant you're out of here because you're grown." After that, I made my decision in about two months.
'After the procedure, I was crying. As soon as I woke up from the bed, I was crying. Crying, crying. And a woman next to me asked me how old I was, and I said 17. She said "You did the right thing girl. You did the right thing because you're too young. You have your whole life ahead of you." 
'And, I still think I did the right thing because he's still a terrible person.'
Leigh, a 26-year-old bartender in Pennsylvania  
Leigh was 21 when she became pregnant and had an abortion five years ago. 
'Honestly, I don't think I'm ever going to really forget any detail about any of it, down to the one decision that made it actually end up becoming that.
'All of a sudden it's a month and a half and getting nauseous with beer and you know.. (the) test came back positive and everything. 
'We sat out and we talked about it and he was a sweetheart about everything for the most part. He made it very clear that it was my choice. But at the same time, he was also very honest about what would happen, going this way or that way, with the decision. 
'If we were to have the kid, we would get married and be together for the rest of our lives. If we didn't work out and we broke up for some reason, he would fight for full custody of the kid and make sure I never saw them again.'
Unsupported: Lisa, now 45, was in her thirties when she had two abortions
Help: Aiyana is an artist in New York and had an abortion two years ago when she was 20 years old
Timing: The clinic that Aiyana went to allowed men to be in the room during the procedure and so she arranged it for when her boyfriend was back from touring
Settled: Lisa, who is now 27 and works as a restaurant manager, got the abortion three years ago
Just a girl: Jennifer, who is 23 now, was only 17 at the time that she decided to have an abortion
Key signs: Leigh, a 26-year-old bartender, said that she started thinking she may be pregnant about a month after having sex when she began feeling nauseous with beer

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